Saturday, April 13, 2013

L is for Linger to Listen

I am terrible at arguments, especially when they seem to me pointless or uninteresting. Maybe I've been corrupted by too many witty scripts of too many movies and TV shows. Or maybe I'm just arrogant. Either way, when an argument goes on and on, I tend to offer my sterling wisdom and walk away to refill my coffee cup. End of discussion.

Rude? Undoubtedly. Plus I miss the opportunity to really get to know the workings of a mind that comes from another perspective. I am poorer for not having the grace to truly listen.

How much more so with Father God! When I pour out my heart to Him, ask for His intervention in my circumstances, worship His goodness, thank Him for His faithfulness, read some of His written word and then pack up my prayer journal and walk away, I have missed a great opportunity. If I want His perspective, I have to linger and listen.  I need to let Him have the last word.

I bless you today to linger and listen to Father, to receive the wonder of having His take on all the aspects of your life.


  1. This is a lesson I have to re-learn over and over. Good post, Joan.

  2. Wonderful lesson for the letter 'L'!
    Love the choice of the word 'linger'.

  3. Sounds like we all have much in common in that area = that's encouraging! I long to linger and listen ....more of Your grace oh Lord!

    1. I agree, More of Your grace, Father, for both of us.
