Tuesday, April 16, 2013

N is for Never Quit

Sometimes it's just so hard to feel the presence of Father God.  It's a rush-rush season. There are issues bugging me. The music is too loud or too weird. My body aches, itches or twitches. It's too hot or too cold to concentrate. We have hundreds of reasons, but whatever they are, we are in some "dry, deserted spot".  These wilderness times can last an hour, a week or for years. But Father doesn't deserve our attention because of how we feel. He deserves it because of the wonder of who He is.

Once, as I sat with Him, He gave me a mental picture of myself in a prison cell.  I was in a corner formed by concrete walls with no furniture at all, no books, nothing to write with and nobody around. I knew this was a picture of those who are suffering for their faith in Him. Then I felt Him ask me, "How much do I love them?" I was overwhelmed with the sense of His tender affection.  Again I felt the question, "What can they do to earn My love?" Of course, the answer is nothing at all.

I believe His heart is touched when we continue to seek Him in our driest times, those times when we feel we have nothing to offer and our prayers and devotions seem pointless and fruitless. When our times seeking Him don't feel comforting and there isn't any pleasure in them, He is still unchanging, still worthy of the worship of all of heaven and the earth. And He sees.

I bless you today to continue past negative circumstances and unlovely feelings to the bed-rock reality of communion with Father God, to never quit seeking no matter what.


  1. Currently weaving in and out of one of these dry times, Joan. Thank you for the encouragement to press in and on.

    1. I'm honored to be an encouragement to someone who has done so much to encourage me.

  2. This is all so very true. The pressure to discourage us can be powerfully strong and if we can overcome that we can become even stronger.

    Keep up the good work you are doing.

    A Few Words
    An A to Z Co-host blog

    1. Thank you for your encouragement. And thank you, too, for this great stimulus to developing in blogging. This community is life-giving.

  3. But Father doesn't deserve our attention because of how we feel. He deserves it because of the wonder of who He is.
    so true and a great reminder!

  4. Thank you, Brianna. You are a prime example of moving beyond feelings to the real value of things.
