Tuesday, April 2, 2013

My desire in attempting the A to Z Challenge was twofold:
(1) To share thoughts with others who were seeking to follow after Jesus more closely and be part of an earthly "cloud of witnesses" who cheer each other on in this endeavor.
(2) To become more disciplined about increasing my craftmanship in writing.

I decided to focus on ways that I can draw closer to my Father God and encourage others to do the same.

To that end I offer day two of the challenge:

B is for Blessing

When I focus my thoughts on the things that are on God's mind, I am aware that His desire is always to bless people. Even when their decisions, make that impossible for a season, His desire remains the same. I find it much easier to be close to Him when I line my attitude up with His and begin to think and to speak blessing over people.  People that I enjoy blessing, and even people that I may not feel like blessing when I start, all need the blessing of His touch. So I pray blessing over their:
Bodies - health, safety, restoration
Labors - jobs, earnings, satisfaction in their work
Emotions - peace, joy, healing of emotional trauma
Social life - family relationships, friendships, refreshing fellowship
Spiritual life - growth, enlightenment, discernment and life-giving community.

I bless you to give and receive multiplied blessings as you draw closer to your Father God.  

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Joan. What a beautiful gift to us! May God return it to you in full measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over. :)
